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Moebio Framework is a JavaScript toolkit for performing data analysis and creating visualizations.

Moebio Framework Demo Reel on Vimeo.

At its core is a set of data types as well as operators to manipulate them and derive meaning from your data. These include include Lists, Tables, Intervals, Networks and many more.

Additonally Moebio framework provides a canvas based drawing framework and a collection of graphics & geometry related functions to empower the creation of data visualizations.

Moebio Framework is being actively developed and is in a Beta status. Please, try it out, and let us know what you think. If you have a question or comment, add the question tag to your issue – and we will answer it!


  • Rich collection of data types and utilities to convert between them
  • Fast canvas based 2D and 3D drawing api with mouse interaction
  • Text Rendering Support
  • Canvas based UI Elements like Color Pickers, Text Boxes and Tooltips
  • Growing collection of tools for Statistics, Prediction, Math, Network Analysis and more!



Moebio Labs PROJECTS 2002-2015 twitter | linkedin | s@moebio.com

Moebio Labs is a team of data scientists, interactive data visualization developers and designers. We develop advanced interactive visualization projects that connect with huge data sets. Our methodology and tools are designed to get deep insight from data, solve real problems and answer strategic questions. We work in collaboration with clients around the world. Moebio Labs is a RedDrummer division.

Moebio Framework is now open source! | I’ll be presenting at Visualized 2015 NY Oct 8&9 | previous talks: OpenVisConf 2015 (keynote speaker), Eyeo 2014, Visualized 2014